Friday, November 13, 2009

Cooking passion ignited ...

Cranky Little Fishwife loves loves loves to cook.
Any chance clf gets to try a new recipe is jumped at. This week while viewing another blog clf stumbled across a recipe for Spanish donuts mmmmm.
Now being the savvy cook that clf is and liking the challenge of a new recipe and making it her own, clf made the recipe a savoury donut recipe and coated the tasty little morsels lightly in salt rather than cinnamon sugar and then dipped the treasures in sour cream to serve to hubby on his arrival home with an icy cold beer to compliment. Hubby was suitably impressed.

Here is the delightful little recipe:

125 ml water
125ml whole milk
110 grams butter
pinch salt
large pinch sugar
150 grams flour
3 eggs

Canola oil for frying

Cinnamon sugar for coating

Place the water, milk, butter, sugar and salt in a medium saucepan. Bring this to a boil. Add the flour all at once and stir with a wooden spoon until it comes together into a smooth ball.

Transfer this mass to the bowl of an electric mixer (or can do it by hand) and start mixing with a paddle attachment. When most of the steam has evaporated, add the eggs one at a time. Mix until it comes together to a smooth thick mass.

Transfer to a pastry bag fitted with a star tip (#5).

In a wide pan that has tall sides, pour about 3" deep of canola oil. Heat it to 350F. When it reaches the temperature, pipe the batter into the oil and cut with scissors. Fry them until golden brown. Remove the churros from the oil and roll them in cinnamon sugar. Serve immediately.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Uncontrollable horn

Ok so today I pack up T & E in the crazy morning rush to get T off to kindy, and what do you think should happen. Less than 2kms down the horn decided without any assitance from me to go off. Now when I say go off I mean like someone was pushing down on the stinking thing without taking a break. Did people stare... YES... did people glare ... YES ... Did people abuse me ... well I am sure they would have if I had given them the opportunity. I thought what can I do, so being unsure about my next move I promptly call hubby and give him an earful. I was stressed, a loud horn, crying children and a hubby being reasonable makes for a stressed and cranky me. So after deciding to drive home, unload the children and call RACQ with my horn STILL blaring and my neighbours I am sure staring, I sit and wait and hope the RACQ man arrives SOON.
So after the RACQ man diables my horn, I reload T & E take T to kindy and E and I go straight to the auto electrician. Now of course something that goes wrong with our car is not going to be a simple fix....hmmm no. The auto electrican discovers our cars computer reading are all out and apparently our 6 year old car has only done just over 6000k... awesome we should sell it NOW.
Some good news has coem from this day, when I got back in the car I wen to move the seat back into the right position and I find and ipod, the one hubby lost about 3 month ago and has already replaced... so now for all todays efforts I have scored myself an ipod.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

What if ???

Hubby and I have been discussing whether now is a good time for me to return to the workforce. It is such a difficult decision to make, as our desire is for us to be the primary influence in our young childrens lives. I would really like to get back into the workplace and have a different view to what I have now ..... at the moment my day takes pretty much the same shape......EVERYDAY.

There are always those nagging What if? questions .... What if I ruin them by putting them in childcare, are they still too young .... there are too many questions to ponder. I know as I spent most of last night pondering those very questions.

I don't want to miss those precious moments that can never be replaced ....

So the questions remain, I am still on the fence on this one

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Education is a lifelong journey

They say having a child is like walking around with your heart outside your body. I can say there has never been a truer statement made. I have two children T who is 3 almost 4 and E who is 14 mths old. When I look at my beautiful children I often wonder how such a miracle could have occurred, they have their own unique personalities and traits yet they came from the genetic make-up of my husband and I...... amazing.

Today I enrolled T into prep for 2011 (at two different schools) I like to have options, and I am very indecisive, so lets hope that come interview time next year, I will be able to make a firm decision as to which school will benefit my lil guy the most. To think of him as growing up makes me sad and contemplative for time lost and my own mistakes in parenting. I want to do the best job I can in raising these precious children to be contributing grown ups in society, but more importantly to be kind, gracious and generous. And this has to start with me .... they learn from me. Having children is like going back to school all over again and having to learn the alphabet from scratch, only now I am paying far more attention as I can see the outcome can be good or bad ..... I want the good. So my lesson for today is learn learn learn now and help my babies to grow to be all they were created to be. And I thought my days of education were over ......