Saturday, October 31, 2009

New beginnings............ 1st Nov 2009

Sometimes I am a cranky little fishwife
ok maybe not to the extent of the the actual meaning

–noun, plural -wives.
a woman who sells fish.
a coarse-mannered, vulgar-tongued woman

but I can be honest enough to say that sometimes I hear myself having a nag to my hubby and my children, so this is how I come to the name .... cranky little fishwife.

I am a wife, a mother, a cleaner (no by choice, but by need), a cook or master chef as my darling 3 year old refers to me, a renovator, a protector, an educator, a creative influence, and many more interesting or otherwise things. That being said in simple terms I am a stay-at-home mum. This is a job I love and loath all at the same time ... it is a strange phenomenon that most mums understand.

I used to bc (before children) take my time to get ready and always had my hair, make up and clothes in place .... now ac (after children) I rarely get the opportunity to take a second look at myself before leaving the house and hubby has been known to wipe marks from my face or point out puck or other unknown substances on my clothing !!!!! ahhh a different life